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You Choose!

This morning my kids were watching a show as I worked on a few things for school. As I listened, I heard the character say "we all have the ability to choose our own destiny". Wow! I thought about that for a moment and couldn't get over how simple a statement that is and yet, in the same breath, is so challenging and profound and action.

WE choose. That's right. WE get to decide what we want to do. When we're in the midst of our lives, it can be hard to remember that and yet, it can be so empowering to realize that no matter what we choose, we really are the ones who determine the path we follow. There is an ownershi that comes with that choice and I found that it was particularly helpful in allowing me to take charge of all aspects of my life. Sometimes I could easily choose the 'right' path while others, well I chose the not-so-great one. AND, that was o.k. because I was still the one in charge and as such, could take responsibility for any and all outcomes without self-blame.

So today, I DARE you to make a choice - and remind yourself, there is no right or wrong choice, it is simply a choice. And once you make that choice, own it and embrace it for all it is!

What will you choose today? Will you choose to live your life with no fear, will you choose to tackle that pile of laundry that has been building up, or will you choose to allow yourself to simply do nothing for 5 minutes because that is o.k. to do?!

Go on, "choose your destiny" today and know that whatever choice you make, it will exactly the one you were supposed to make!

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