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A simple 'how are you?'

This morning I started my day with a phone call to a call center, trying to resolve an issue I was having. The lady was very pleasant and as we began chatting, asked me how my day was going to which I responded and then asked her how she was doing. She was honestly blown away by the fact I asked, saying she'd never been asked that before on a shift. WOW. Think about that, she'd never been asked how her day was going when someone called in!!! That blew me away!!

Here's the thing. We never know the difference a simple 'hello, how are you?' can make. That one question can change someone's day in a small or big way and takes really no effort from ourselves to ask it. I could tell by the sound in her voice that it meant a lot to her!!

So today is short and sweet. I DARE you to ask someone how their day is going - maybe a friend, a sales associate in a store, or just smile at a stranger as you walk by. You honestly don't know the impact it will have but trust me, it could be huge!!!

And if you feel like it, let me know how YOU are doing by responding to this post. I'd love to hear how your day is going and hope that it's a great one for you!

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