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Some days words flow, others they seem to vanish from my mind. I don't know what makes the difference .... I guess some writers would call it writer's block. I. used to feel guilty when I didn't write a blog post every single day .... ok, let's be real, I still hate missing a day!! AND, the reality is that I'm human and life happens and words don't always come.

What is it about feeling the need to be perfect? Why do we place such high expectations on ourselves and then berate ourselves when we don't meet them? I wonder what it would be like if we approached it differently, though, and if perhaps we gave ourselves permission to take the time to be perfectly imperfect?!!!

And so today I DARE you to do that .... be perfectly imperfect!! Give yourself permission to end your day with items still on your to-do list, don't fold that pile of laundry, and instead do something fun that is just for you! Besides, the reality is that when we take the time to do something for ourselves, we find the rest falls into place without us even trying!!

Wow, look at that. I started this blog post unsure what to say and with no words coming to mind. But by giving myself permission to just let it flow with no expectation of even posting it, well I think I came up with something fairly good!!

What will you do perfectly imperfectly today? Go on, give yourself permission to fail a little .... you might be surprised where it leads you! :D

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