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What you focus on becomes your reality

There is a great quote by Bo Bennett that says:

"While we are focusing on fear, worry, or hate, it is not possible for us to be experiencing happiness, enthusiasm, or love."

I love this because it gently reminds us that when we focus on the negatives in our life, we lose sight of the amazing things that ARE happening. It is so easy to let one negative take over our day and it's true that we often let one mistake erase the positive of several great things, AND it doesn't have to.

We have a choice. Every day we get to choose our attitude. We can decide to listen to that negative voice OR we can pick one thing to focus on for that day and make it an awesome day.

So today I DARE you to pick one thing, yes - just ONE. Pick something that you are going to accomplish today so that you can celebrate it as a success at the end of the day. Maybe you are going to complete the laundry you've been avoiding, maybe you'll make that phone call you've been putting off, or maybe today you'll take 5 minutes for you and relax. Whatever your choose, make it something achievable so that as your reflect on your day, you can celebrate the success that you had in it!

Remember, even on the toughest of days you have had a success - you got out of bed. You choose from there where the rest of the day goes, so what are you going to choose?

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