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We made it!

Well, we did it! We managed to get up, made it to school on time, and all had successful days! How about you?

There's something about a success isn't there? You feel good, proud, or excited when you accomplish something you set out to do. With children, we tend to be really good at providing positive feedback immediately after they do something well, no matter how big or small that accomplishment is. Yet, as adults, we don't seem to recognize the progress we make or the successes we have and find it easier to focus on the perceived failures.

And so that's what today's DARE is all about. I encourage you to once a week (or more if you're so inclined) to write down in your planner a success you've had. Remember from my book, we're not talking giant things here. Nope, we're talking about those every day things such as getting the laundry done after a day at work, perhaps taking the time to call a friend to catch up, or making the time for yourself at the end of the day for a hot bath. Whatever it is, write it down and when that negative voice tries to come along and tell you what a failure you are, you'll have proof that it's all untrue!

Go on, I DARE you to start today and write down a success you've had because the reality is, if you got up out of bed, then you absolutely had a successful day!

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