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Tuesday is trash day at our house and so every week I pull my garbage can to the curb and let the truck take away all those things we don't need or want! Some weeks, I have been known to forget and boy does that stink - literally and figuratively!! I'm truly grateful, however, to know that I don't have to keep the trash in my home and for t

Wouldn't it be amazing if we were able to toss out those negative messages and 'trashy' talks we give to ourselves as easily?!! How amazing would it be to hear those negative thoughts and simply grab them, tear them up, and throw them in the trash can!! After all, they serve no purpose and instead weigh us down into a pool of negativity.

And so, today that is what I challenge you to do! I DARE you to write down some of those negative messages you've been letting your brain listen to. Then, scrunch it up and put it in the trash can so that those thoughts can be carried away with next week's garbage. I promise, you won't regret it!!

Here's to cleaning out the trash in our mind and spring cleaning for the new year. It's worth it and can even be done on a daily or weekly basis!!

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