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I recently got a magazine titled "Enjoying Everyday Life" by Joyce Myer. The title is staring at me on my desk this morning and is the perfect reminder for me about how we need to focus on the moment and let go of our worries of the future.

When I was struggling with my eating disorder, anxiety, and depression it was easy to get caught up in the 'what ifs' and the worry of what may happen in the future. I'd get so caught up in that, I'd forget to enjoy the simple things of the day I was in. COVID kinda gets me caught in that trap some days too. I worry about will this ever go away, what will going back to work look like, will I get to travel to see my parents anytime soon ... the list goes on. All the while I am in that place, I'm literally like a hamster in his wheel - I don't go anywhere!! Can you relate?

So today I challenge you to focus on TODAY. And I DARE you to make a list of 3 things that are amazing in THIS day - for example, I love that I get to type a blog post; I am grateful I get to spend time with my family in the pool, or I am proud of the fact I got out of bed this morning. Enjoying everyday life means that I have to practice staying in the present and appreciate every little thing because then I am living in today instead of worrying in the future that hasn't even happened yet.

Don't worry, this list is not as overwhelming as it sounds. And if that negative voice tries to sneak in, remind it that it's not welcome because you refuse to worry about tomorrow and beyond while you're living in today!!

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