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Time flies ....

September is here and I'm not sure where the end of August went. Then again, yes I do ... I returned back to work and got caught up in the craziness that is called 'back to school'.

Sitting here this morning made me realize how easy it can be to let life slip us by and how, when in the throws of life, we forget to take the time to focus on ourselves - even if it's just for a little bit each day. I know I, for one, tend to move myself to the bottom of my to-do list and don't deem myself valuable enough to take just 5 minutes out of my day for me.

I know I've written about this before .... and I know I will again. AND, I still need to practice the art of remembering to put it into practice.

So today I DARE you to remind yourself why YOU are important. Make a list of why you are worth spending 5 minutes on each day. Think about what it is that makes you uniquely you and worthy of the gift time? For example, you are strong, you are courageous, you are creative, or the fact that you are YOU and there is no one else like you.

As for me, I'm working hard on taking that time back each day and am daring myself to get back to my writing. Take this journey with me!!

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