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The dichotemy of the sky

Today as I stood outside, I admired the beautiful Florida blue sky ... well, in one direction at least. The other side was so black, signaling the arrival of a summer afternoon storm. It was amazing to look at the complete contrast of the two, both beautiful in their own right.

Life is like that, isn't it? It can be filled with joy and yet, at the exact same time filled with sadness. We can experience celebration and mourning at the same time, and many other opposing things follow the same pattern.

This dichotomy of thought can be confusing, yet at the same time be very simple and bring some sense of hope to the negative cycle of thought we can become trapped in. If we take the time to remember that there is always an opposite, we can find our way to accepting and even embracing many a painful situation.

So today I DARE you to think of something that has been tough recently. And then I want you to think of something that has brought joy. Remind yourself as you reflect on them both that life is filled with these opposites. And if you're really feeling up to a challenge, I DARE you to think of something that's been a negative and then find a positive that is the complete opposite that you could do instead.

You've got this. Just as the sun and moon can grace the sky at the same time, so too can a positive and negative cohabitate at the same time. Go on, find that dichotomy in your life and embrace it!

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