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That night before school

Winter break has been wonderful. And yet, in the blink of an eye it has quickly passed and I sit here tonight knowing I have to get up early in the morning and be ready for the return to school. Am I ready .... no!! AND, I have put all my alarms back on regardless, packed lunches, and ensured that my bag is ready to go!

When faced with things we're not ready for, our initial reaction is to retreat into the shadows and pretend like it's not happening. We avoid, procrastinate, and do anything and everything to avoid the reality of what it is we're facing. And that's just it. Even with all the 'putting it off' we do, it simply serves to delay the inevitable because ultimately we still have to do it.

So tonight I decided to do something different. I practiced a little self-care and focused on the present .... novel concept in some ways, yet the reality is that I struggle to do this on a regular basis!! What better time to start than the night before having to go back to school! And so here I sit, creating stickers, music playing, candle burning, and writing a blog post and guess what, my anxiety about the return to work has diminished because I am so grounded in the present moment!

What are you worried about having to do? Are you in the same spot I am - heading back to work after a long break? Maybe you're worried about an appointment you have, or perhaps you're dreading a phone call you have to make. Whatever it is, I DARE you to do something just for you before doing the thing you need to do - not because you're delaying the inevitable, but because you're practicing self-care and recognizing the importance of nurturing oneself.

Go on, you've got this and after all, you're worth it!!

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