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Take my hand

Nevertheless I am continually with You; You have taken hold of my right hand. Psalm 73:23

Recently my kids and I went out on an 'adventure', exploring a local area by the river. It was so scenic there and we enjoyed our time walking the trails on a beautiful day. Of course it would not be complete without walking out to the river and that's where my sweet girl stopped. She was nervous that with it being over the water that animals such as alligators would get her. It took a lot of coaxing and hand-holding to persuade her to walk all the way out. She did it though and the smile on her face at her accomplishment was a beaming light on her face!!

Have you ever feared something or got nervous at trying something new? I know I have! As a kid it's accepted that we can hold the hand of a grown-up yet as an adult, we're expected to put on our 'big girl panties' and just do it. Yet God reminds us "nevertheless I am continually with you; You have taken hold of my right hand" and so we have a companion with us at all times to support us and cheer us on.

So today I DARE you to take your right hand, trace it, and cut it out and then hold it in your left as a reminder that the Big Guy is with you today and always!!

Here's to never being alone and to holding hands to ensure we can get through anything and everything we need to!

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