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Sunshine on a rainy day

What a beautiful evening it is .... although, if you'd seen the torrent of rain that came down from the skies earlier you'd have wondered if there was going to be any blues skies to be seen today!!!

I love the evenings and I'm trying to take some time each day just for me .... even if it's only 5 minutes sitting on my patio after dinner. What I'm learning is that if I don't choose to take care of me, then I can't except anyone else to step in. As a mom of 2, I'll be honest .... self-care is low down on the totem pole!! It's hard to give myself permission to simply sit and be and I invariably come up with some other job that I need to do instead. The reality is, however, that hasn't served me well to this point and so my goal is to work on changing that and ensuring I sit for 5 minutes each and every day and be present in the moment. LOL - yup, I wrote it so now you can help me stay accountable to it!!

And so today I DARE you to do the same!! I DARE you to find 5 minutes each day to simply be in the moment and breathe, and if you can get outside to do so, even better!!!

Here's to evenings, time for myself, and learning to practice self-care one moment at a time!!

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