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So I have a new found addiction .... making stickers!!! Yes, I have discovered how to make my own stickers and am obsessed with designing and creating them to put in my planner. It's amazing how relaxing it is, while also being quite inspiring as I find the perfect quote or saying to put on them! There's something about words and having them everywhere to motivate you. I've always loved having positive things around me and now I have a new way to do just that!

Do you have a favorite word or saying? Maybe it's a quote, perhaps a Bible verse, or maybe there's just one word that you have found for the year. When those words are front and center, it's hard to ignore them and they serve as a reminder that you can do anything, be anything, and try anything.

So today I DARE you to make some stickers of your own - even if it's just writing a quote down on a sticky note - and place them where you can read them every day. Find words to inspire you, share them with a friend, or even take the time to write them in a card and mail them to someone.

Go on, get creating and notice how positive you'll feel afterwards - I promise!!

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