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Rain rain, go away!!

Let's get real. I know that the earth around me loves the rain and it certainly makes for a lush green back yard, but I'm over the rain!!! COVID19 and rain do not make for a good partnership in my book and has definitely brought some challenges the past few days!!

Here's the thing. I can choose to look at the rain in a negative way and complain OR I can recognize it for what it is - a wonderful gift to nature. Either way, I am the one that gets to choose. Sure it meant that my kids were stir-crazy AND it provided puddles for them to jump in!

Life can certainly be viewed through two lenses. We can look at life and notice all the faults or we can embrace the things that are thrown at us and find the good in them. Either way, it is OUR choice!!

So today I challenge you to look at a situation with new lenses. I DARE you to make a list of all the positives that your day brings - and there should be several!! And yes, even though I'm not a morning person, getting up super early today meant that I got a head start on my chores for the day! See - positives are everywhere if we choose to acknowledge them!!

I'm hopeful for less rain today AND if not, I know we will still find some fun things to do together inside. This momma is ready for the sunshine though and hopes it returns soon!!

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