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Permission to Pause

Do you, or have you ever needed to take prescription medication? The reason I ask is that if you have, you'll know the importance of having to follow the directions exactly and how you should always complete the course. It's relatively easy to follow orders when they come from someone else and yet, when it's determining things for ourselves, we struggle to gift ourselves permission. Let me explain.

Medication we take without a thought. Sitting down for 30 minutes to watch t.v. to read a book, or to practice self-care, well we never prioritize those things and let them slip to the bottom of the importance pile. We don't value ourselves enough to justify giving time to just pause. We simply believe we don't matter.

But we do matter - each and every one of us. In God's eyes, we matter and he reminds us that we ARE enough. Hard to believe, I know, but true!

So today I DARE you to give yourself permission to pause and do something just because! And if you need to, grab a piece of paper and write yourself a script for this to be something you do on a daily basis - why?, because YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!

Still struggling to do even this? Then the next time you're at the Doctor, ask them to write a script for you with specific directions to have 30 minutes of 'you' time daily because you're sure to listen then!! Go on, value yourself enough to take even 5 minutes to just sit and do absolutely nothing, and by the way, no guilt allowed!!!

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