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Out with the old ....

January 6th is the day I've always taken down the Christmas decorations - although we're a few days late this year!! I never like to see them go and the house feels bare without the tree and glistening lights. The family room suddenly seems empty and there's a big hole left behind. As much as I don't like taking them down, I also love the feeling of the clean house after they're all put away. It's like there's a fresh start and gradually, we will that void from the decorations with something fresh and new.

In life, often when we're looking at letting go of old habits, those things that we know aren't 'good' for us, or letting go of old items that we really don't need, it can be hard to part with them. We hold on, unwilling to let go of something that feels familiar and like an old friend. Yet, without letting go there can be no room for the new to come in and replace or improve things. Think about that; as we are willing to let go of something and say goodbye, the door opens for something new and possibly better to come in and replace that space.

What are you holding on to? What baggage do you need to let go of today? I DARE you to think about it and just as you've put away the Christmas decorations, say goodbye to this too. It may be that you have to literally put it in the trash (remember the trash day blog?!), or perhaps you need to give it up to the Big Guy. Whatever it is, though, know that as hard as it is, something better truly is just around the corner when you take the opportunity to 'put out the old'.

I'm off to pack up the Christmas decorations and you know what, I'm going to celebrate the magic of Christmas we got to enjoy as I take down each ornament and treasure those memories. AND, I'm going to remember that new memories are coming along too - life is good that way!!

Here's to letting go of the old and in with the new - you've got this, you really do!!

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