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One Word

For many years I have loved to wear jewelry that had an inspiring word on it or a special meaning attached to it. It seems that it has become more and more popular and there are many options available to choose from that allow me to add to my 'armor'.

For me, having one word simplifies things amidst the chaos, allows me to focus on one intention and thus re-center when I feel myself getting overwhelmed. Last year, my word was 'fearless' and that mantra carried me through some amazing journeys - including writing and publishing two books!

So in trying to find my word for this year, I wanted it to speak to me and give me a way to incorporate action to it, after all life is a verb and is meant for living! And finally, after much thought - probably too much actually!! - the word popped into my head and I think it is the one meant for this year. What is it?

I love the idea of feeling inspired and finding ways to inspire my life through action. Yet more than that, my goal is to take my journey and use it this year to inspire others to find within them what they need to feel alive and live. Be it my students in the classroom, friends and family, or even folks I've yet to meet, my hope is to inspire to find their best life to live!

So this year, I DARE you to find your word. Find one that reminds you of how awesome you are and one that embraces life through some kind of action. After all, as I always say, life is for living - I DARE you to live it!!

You've got this - go on, find that word and share it here. Let's INSPIRE each other and most of all, together let's make 2021 the best year yet!

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