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Night sky

Night time. It's my favorite part of the day and while I know I shouldn't stay up so late, it proves tough to make it to bed at a reasonable time some nights!! You see, I love the house when it's quiet, when everyone is sleeping - it's 'my' time where I get to write, craft, or create in some way. It's when I do my best thinking and when my brain seems to come life with words and poems.

One of the other things I cherish about night time is the stars and there's a quote I love that reminds me of them. It says "the darkest nights provide the brightest stars". Stop for a moment and re-read that:

"The darkest nights provide the brightest stars".

What a powerful reminder about life. When we feel down, lonely, depressed even, or maybe feeling like nothing is going right, look to the sky for the brightest glimmer of light is there. It may come in the form of a friend, a phone call, or even a message from the Big Guy - God - but it will come IF we are willing to look for it. And when we doubt, we can go outside and look at the night sky for the reminder that there is a bright light shining down on us that promises hope.

So today I DARE you to stay up late and take a few minutes to go look at the night sky. And as you do, remember that those stars are filled with hope, as well as a reminder that no matter where in the world you are, there is likely a friend or family member staring up at the same star thinking of you. Go on, you could even pick up the phone can call the person you think of because, after all, that could be just the glimmer you need to brighten your day!

As for me, well I've still a few hours yet before I decide to call this day officially done ... lots more time for writing and creating!!

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