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Lessons from Dolphins

One of my favorite animals is a dolphin. I love them!! I have swum with them on multiple occasions, painted with them, and even worked as a trainer one summer where I had the amazing experience of being around a newly born calf. Dolphins bring so much serenity to me and they also teach a lot about life.

One of the first things a newborn calf has to do is come up to the surface for air. The thing is, the calf has yet to figure out how to swim and so the mom guides her to the surface, gently pushing her up for air. In the first few hours after birth, the calf is extremely floppy and is unsure what to do. However, the mom is amazing and continues to support and guide her, teaching her the art of swimming and taking a breath until she is able to do it independently. Sometimes, other dolphins close to the mom will take over this role - it’s a teamwork thing!

What a great metaphor for life We get to rely on others to guide us and support us during times of stress and step in when we need a little extra help. At times, we may want to bury our heads in the sand but others are there, offering support to guide us in the right direction, with gentle shoving if needed!!

So the next time you feel you need to gasp for breath because it’s all too overwhelming, think of the beautiful dolphins and the lessons they learn in the early hours and days of their lives. And I DARE you to give yourself permission to ask a friend to ‘loan’ you some of their strength on the tough days until you find your own again.

Life is a team-work thing too and the blessing of support is that you never have to be left gasping for air.

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