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Inspire part 2

So as you may remember, my word for this year is 'inspire'. I have it printed and on my desk as a reminder and try to live by it each day. The thing is, some days I don't feel like I have anything to 'inspire' others with, as if I'm lost for words or ideas. It would be easy to take that negative voice and allow it to take over but then I realize that in doing that, I forget to look for the little things that remind me I do 'inspire', even without knowing it!

Today was a great example of that. I had shared an idea with my colleagues of how I teach a concept. No big deal, in my mind, and yet it helped make a difficult concept a little easier for students in other classes and without realizing it, I had inspired them. Yes, on a day when I felt less than inspiring, an email saying 'thank you' reminded me that some days we don't even notice what we're doing and how quickly we are willing to listen to the negativity.

So today I DARE you to stop and reflect on your day. What have you done today that could have made a difference for someone else? And before you let that negative voice kick in, tell it to shut up and that you're not going to listen!! You HAVE done something amazing today by interacting with others; you HAVE inspired another human, and you HAVE made a difference for someone else!

So go on, think about it and then remember how awesome you are. You're inspiring ... and for that, I'm grateful!!

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