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Happy New Year

2020. What a year!!! For many folks, they're glad to say goodbye to the year that brought us COVID-19 and all that it entailed. It's not a year we want to remember and yet, no matter what negative things we faced, there is always good in each and every year.

As I sit here tonight and reflect on the year I've been through, the one I turned 50, it's been quite a journey and one that I'm truly grateful to have traveled. The first few months of the year were not easy and at the same time, I wouldn't trade them for anything. I grew and learned so much from those months and at the end of it, my books were born!!

And then COVID. Phew ... not much to say about that because we've all lived it! But you know what, as a result, 2020 became the year for family. The blessing of COVID was that it brought us closer together as a family and we returned to the basics and simpler things of life. Sure, I miss going out to eat or getting my nails done AND I love the endless bike rides, time in the pool, and above all the laughter we've shared together.

So as we approach 2021, I look forward to all it has to offer. I know that I will continue to grow and learn and am grateful that I get to do that. I have no idea what is in store for me but know that it will be an adventure I'll love. So I DARE you to approach the new year in the same way and challenge you to sit down at the end of each day and write something you're grateful for that day. By the end of the year, that will be 365 blessings you'll be able to reflect on and celebrate.

Here's to a new year, here's to new beginnings that can happen each and every day, and here's to you! I wish you a wonderful new year and DARE you to live it!

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