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Happy Independence Day

Happy July 4th!! Happy Independence Day.

Even though I am not a US citizen, I love this day!! You see, I love the reminders that it gives me about living my life independent of my eating disorder, anxiety, and depression. Having struggled with them for so long, I often wondered if I would ever be free of them and questioned if it would be something I just had to learn to live with.

Today, however, I believe in full recovery and freedom. Granted, that's not to say that those negative voices don't still pop up and try their best to take over, but today I have the tools and support that allow me to live a life where I feel free and happy.

Independence can look very different for everyone and yet, the common theme unites us all. We want to feel free from the clutches of a negative thing in our lives. It may be that you're trying to be free of a mental health issue, perhaps wanting to be free of debt, or maybe become free of a toxic relationship. Whatever it is you're fighting to be free of, Independence Day is a reminder that you can and will get there.

so today I DARE you to take one step forward toward finding freedom from whatever holds you back from living your life to the fullest. As always, remember this step does not have to be gigantic - far from it!! It simply needs to be one small effort toward living the life you want. Granted, you're probably yelling at me right now that it isn't that easy - and I agree!! AND, I'm here to tell you that it IS possible because when you believe in what you're reaching for, anything can happen!!

Happy Independence Day to you once again. I hope today you get to celebrate not only American's Birthday but also the recognition that YOU are winning your journey toward freedom and happiness, where you are able to let go of the worries that keep you held down and instead can begin to soar free! You've got this, I know you do!!

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