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Growing things

We've had a week of growing things in our house. We began with growing crystals and then added an indoor terrarium, where we're enjoying watching the seeds begin to sprout. This morning my daughter was not happy because her brother's seeds had sprouted sooner than hers - blaming it on the fact that he was born first so his things always happened first!!

The process of growth and change is so hard for little ones and yet, in many ways, it is for us too! When we make a decision to change something there is often a part of us that expects the change to be immediate. We forget that it does take time and patience, and well, we just want it now!!!

Have you planted or grown anything recently? If not, I DARE you to go out and buy some seeds and try. As you wait patiently for them to sprout and grow, remind yourself that your life is a replica of that little seed. You are always sprouting, growing, and changing - even when you don't realize it! Be patient and nurture yourself, give yourself all the love and tenderness you give that small plant. And remember, change DOES happen - just not always overnight!!

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