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Frog Hunting

Recently, we have begun our day hunting for frogs and invariably this starts around 5:30 am. It's amazing the joy these little creatures bring to my son and he is always excited to find a little buddy that he can get out of the pool and place back in their habitat.

Have you ever watched a frog hopping around? They seamlessly jump from place to place, appearing to take no effort to jump off to their next location. There is no pausing for thought, just going for it and trusting they are going to end up where they want to go.

One of the acronyms about frogs is perfect for reminding us to have faith in all we do - just like the little creatures themselves.





I can't claim credit for this acronym but absolutely love that these animals are a powerful reminder that with God, anything is possible.

What do you need to rely on God for today? What worry are you holding onto that you're forgetting to let the Big Guy help you with? I DARE you to write down that worry and place it in the trash, trusting that as you do, God will take it and provide you with the peace and answers you seek. Sure, it may not be the magic cure and end-all to what you're worried about, but in relying on God and taking that leap of faith, He will guide you on the path you're supposed to take.

Here's to early morning frog hunts ... although I'd be o.k. if they were not quite so early!! Just grateful for the gift of frogs and all their reminders!

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