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Fall down seven ....

This Christmas, my kids were blessed with many new toys. Among their favorites were a pair of roller-skates for each of them. The squeals of excitement as they realized what they were was wonderful and they couldn't wait to get them on and try them out! Let's just say I'm grateful for the knee, elbow, and wrist pads for the countless bruises could have been so much more without them!!

Here's the thing. Both my kids were fearless in their attempts to roller-skate for the first time. They weren't sure what to do, but in spite of this just went for it. Each and every time they fell down, giggles filled the air and they bounced back up to try again. Yes, you read that right!! They laughed and then got right back up. What an amazing reminder that it's ok to fall down and then you move on and stand back up.

There's a quote I'm sure you've heard of that says "fall down seven times, stand up eight". Initially I remember thinking how crazy of a notion this was because, after all, who wants to fall down that many times. But today I know that, no matter how many times I fall down the key to living is to stand back up and continue fighting the battle through to victory. Just as my kids have become better and better at skating, you will find that if you stand back up you will become stronger and stronger in whatever you are facing.

So today I challenge you to think about something you had given up on and I DARE you to try it again. Yes, you read that right! Tell that perfectionist that it's ok if you fail because you're willing to keep trying and to keep on fighting until you figure it out!!

Here's to falling down .... AND, here's to the success of getting back up and starting again and again and again!! You've got this - I promise!!

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