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Excitement is contagious

Back to school is just around the corner. This year looks totally different, however, and I know for me there's trepidation about what lies ahead. And yet, when I stop and think, I realize that if I only focus on that fear, the part that worries thanks to COVID, much of the joy is stolen away.

My daughter begins Kindergarten this year and to say she is excited is an understatement! Her joy is contagious and reminds me that when I face this world through her 5-year-old eyes, it becomes less overwhelming and the simple things stand out.

Life can be like that. When we allow ourselves to get caught up in the worry and anxiety in our minds, we lose sight of the things that matter most. Yet, when we start to notice the little things and embrace the simple joys .... well, it becomes contagious and spreads.

So today I DARE you to focus on the little things. Write a list of 3 things that you're excited about, or that feel positive to you. For example, maybe you're excited because it's the weekend; perhaps you're happy because you have a friend that you're meeting up with for coffee. And if you're struggling to think of something, create your own joy by planning a phone call to someone you love, or buy yourself some flowers that you can enjoy because before long, the excitement will grow and spread itself to other things.

As for me, I am soaking up the sheer joy of a 5-year-old who is counting "Buckeye" days, (Saturdays!!), until she can meet her teacher.

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