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Don't fear the drop

This weekend we've had fun taking the kids to the skateboard park. They are still in the learning phase but it was amazing to watch them go! My sweet boy in particular had no fear. As he watched the other skaters drop off the ledge to the ramp below, he decided he wanted to be just like them. After lining up his board at the edge, he was ready to go ... no hesitation. Don't worry, we didn't let him try but it was cool to see him just go for things !

As adults, we often fear the 'drop', those unknown things that face us. Jumping of the ledge can be terrifying and we hold on at the top, never quite willing to let go. What is it that we had as a child that we lose as adults?

So today I DARE you to take that leap with something you've been wanting to try but keep putting off. Go on, think of that new hobby, that trip you wanted to plan, or maybe just call someone you've not spoken to in the longest time and do it. Jump off the ledge and trust that whatever is supposed to happen WILL happen.

Weekends are definitely going to become filled with slips and falls AND reminders that fear is something to be just stared in the face and challenged! Here's to it all!!

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