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Do it because you love it!

I recently came across an 11 year old British girl who is an incredible skate boarder headed for the Olympics this year - the youngest to compete! She appears to know no fear and inspire of the falls, gets back up and tries again until she's got the trick right. One of her quotes that I loved says "Be brave, be strong, have fun, and do it because you love it". WOW - talk about an inspiring reminder of how to approach life!

Life is going to hit us with trials and tribulations. Often in the face of adversity, it feels easier to retreat back into safety and yet, it is through adversity that we grow and become stronger.

So, continuing with my skateboarding theme and the reminder to 'stand back up', today I DARE you to think of something you love and go do it - today! Be brave, be strong, and have fun doing it because it's something you love to do. And if you make a mistake, fall down, or are scared to take the risk, throw caution to the wind and go for it because the end result will be worth it!!

I know, you're probably thinking how intangible this feels right now AND in some ways you're right. But here's the thing, it's only when we are willing to put ourselves out there that we find the greatest gifts. They don't have to be giant leaps, I'm not talking about going sky diving this afternoon, but when you stop being willing to do something because fear is getting in the way then you are holding back from incredible life opportunities that will fill your life with rewarding experiences.

Go on, think of something you've been putting off and go do it today - you've got this. Life is for living after all, so I DARE you to live it!!!

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