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Come in, do you copy?

This morning, my kids decided to play with their walkie talkies. It was fun to watch them running around the house finding hiding spots and then talking to each other through the radios to try and find each other. It got me thinking ... as things do!!!

I was thinking about how cool it would be to have a walkie talkie with God, a pair that would allow us to have direct contact and be able to talk to Him whenever we wanted. I know some days I have a lot of 'why' questions and would love a hotline to reach the Big Guy.

And then I thought about it and realized that wait, I have a set already. I have the ability to reach out and talk to Him whenever I want. You see, no matter where I am or what I'm doing, I can just strike up a conversation, I can pray, I can connect with God - IF I take the time to do so. God reminds us that He is always there, waiting for us to reach out. Yup, His receiving walkie talkie is always on.

So today I DARE you to strike up a conversation with the Big Guy and just chat. The cool thing about it is that you don't have to just reach out and talk when you have a problem. No, God wants to hear all of it - good, bad, and the ugly!! So whatever you're thinking, it's time to share it with Him and let Him be a part of your life.

Go on, start right now .... Come in God, do you copy?

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