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Change is .... well, it simply is!!!

As Marilyn Monroe so eloquently states, change is not always a negative thing and can, in fact, bring amazing and unexpected things into our lives if we are open to receiving them.

When I began my journey of recovery, it was hard to imagine that things truly would improve. Ed had been in my life for so long and although he was ultimately so destructive, there was a time where in some ways he saved me.

As time passed, I began to notice that I became more tolerant of change and that gradually, when unexpected things happened, was able to sit back and ride the wave. Change happens and always will. Sometimes it will not take us in the direction we are hoping for or think it should be, and yet we inevitably end up exactly where we’re supposed to be if we trust in the process.

So the next time change comes your way, or if something ‘bad’ comes along that you question, trust there truly is an amazing reason for it all.

Go on, I DARE you to trust - you never know where you might end up!

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