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I realized that it has been several days, no more than that actually since I last wrote on here. I can't blame it on a lack of words because multiple blog posts have started in my head. The reality is I am getting ready to return to work and so setting my classroom up has begun.

It can be hard to find balance in life and the reality is, I have not been doing a great job of that and so the blog is what suffered. Can anyone relate?

How do you find balance? Do you put yourself at the top of the list or do you put yourself lower than the bottom of the pile? Do you ensure that you make time for yourself each day or do you limit it to maybe once a week?

So today I DARE you to begin a new habit. I DARE you to make time for yourself each and every day. You can start with 5 minutes and then increase it from there, but the key is that you make time for you because YOU are worth it.

Go on, you can do this .... and I will too! Here's to getting back in the groove of writing, working, and finding time for me!!

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