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A new perspective

So yesterday I picked up my new glasses. I'm in the process of transitioning to contact lenses but in the meantime needed my prescription updated. WOW!! It's amazing how you don't realize that you're missing clarity until you get new glasses but as soon as you put them on, it's like a whole new world opens up and everything suddenly looks sharper and clearer than before!

You know, sometimes in life we rely on our 'old' and 'familiar' lenses to look at things. We approach things with the same negative view, or perhaps get stuck in a rut but are scared to reach out and try something new. And yet, if we open our minds and are willing to take a risk we find that our new approach, that new way of looking at something, suddenly opens up a whole new world right before our eyes.

So today I challenge you to do just that. Imagine you're putting on a new pair of glasses and seeing things with a fresh perspective. That problem you've been tackling, try looking at it from a different angle; that fear that's holding you back, decide to tackle it head on. I DARE you to look at the situation in a new way and you'll be amazed at how you suddenly find answers were there all along.

As for me, I'm loving the clarity I have now that my new glasses are firmly on my face. Life is amazing but even more so when you can see everything around you in a fresh new way!!

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