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2021 here we come

It's arrived ... the New Year that is. 2020 is officially behind us and 2021 has quietly entered with the promise of hope for new beginnings.

I always find January 1st to be that day where I'm 'supposed' to make new year resolutions. Yet, the older I become, the more I realize that I don't need an official day to make a new resolution - no, I can make one any day I choose or at any moment in a day. In fact, when I take the pressure off myself from making the new resolution on January 1st, I'm less likely to fail and more likely to find success in my new habit.

If you've read my books, you'll remember me saying that they say it takes about 70 days to form a habit. Think about that. 70 days - 2 1/2 months. Nowhere does it say that you 'have' to start that habit on January 1st though!

And so today, I DARE you to think of something you've been wanting to start - a new hobby, beginning a gratitude list, reading the Bible - and choose a day to begin. It doesn't have to be today, (although sure, today is as good a day as any!), and mark it on your calendar. Then, when that day comes BEGIN!!! In theory I know, you're probably thinking it sounds simple but I know that it isn't always so simple. AND, once you get over the hurdle of 'when' to start, the hardest part truly is done.

Plato said "the beginning is the most important part of the work". Not that I'm some great philosopher, but I tend to agree. Set the intention, pick the day, start strong, and the habit will fall into place - I promise!

So go on, you've got this. Take the dare and start something new today, tomorrow, or next week .... and resolve to do it whichever day you pick.

Happy New day and happy new habit!!

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