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A Walk in the Woods

In spite of the showers yesterday, we managed to go for a fun walk on some trails through the woods. It was a blast and the canopy of the trees ensured we stayed dry as we wandered on the various paths. The kids were enjoying it but periodically would ask where we were. Our answers was vague - 'oh we're in the woods', 'oh we're near the river', 'oh we're heading back toward the car park'. They trusted us implicitly, however, knowing we would guide them back to the car to get home.

Children have that innate trust built in. They know their parents are going to keep them safe and will guide them where they're supposed to go. Yet, as adults, we have a tendency to question and doubt things unless their is evidence to support it. Our lives take many twists and turns and the older we get, we seem to lack faith that we truly are on the right path.

When I think of that canopy in the woods, it's truly a protective layer up above. We knew that if we kept following the path, we would find our way out (but also had the help of GPS on the phone just in case!!). In life we have a guiding force too - mine being God. If we trust in our faith and believe that the path is taking us where we're supposed to, we can let go of the fear and worry and know we are headed exactly where we're supposed to.

So today, I DARE you to go for a walk and see where the path leads you. Trust hat you're going to find your way wherever you're supposed to go and that you'll see exactly what you're supposed to see. Enjoy the sights and sounds and focus on the nature around you.

Life is for living - I DARE you to just enjoy the ride!!

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